Archive for the ‘Life with Boys’ Category


Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Fall City Farms

[October 2008]

Traditions.  They are touch points for me.  They keep me grounded and in the moment.  From a young age, traditions surrounding holidays and seasons, gave me great comfort and a sense of anticipation.  It is because of these strong memories, that I seek to create and embrace traditions for my boys.  As a mother, I see it as my gift to them.

One such tradition is finding the great pumpkin at a local farm in October.  Since the fall of 2005, we have been visiting the same farm.  It is where we go, what we do, and who we are.  Sadly, we cannot return this year.  Fall City Farms did not grow pumpkins and the farm is now closed to the public.  It is the end of our tradition.  Big W and I took time this weekend and went through all of our photos taken at the farm over the last eight years.  A visual memory book of how far we’ve come and how big we have grown-with the back drop remaining the same.

first years  Fall City Farms

later years  Fall City Farms

It might seem like something so simple, but I always thought we would outgrow the farm.  Grouchy and moody teens, too cool to go to the pumpkin patch with mom, would be the reason we stopped going.  But that isn’t the case.  So we are faced with the decision, make a new tradition or just let it go.  I am ready to let the boys decide and excited to create new memories.  Because in the end it isn’t the farm or the place.  It is the time we spent together in the autumn sun loving and caring for each other.  I am lucky, lucky girl.



Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Magnetic Alphabest iPad App

With the school year going strong, homework is in full effect.  There may be some kids that LOVE to do more work after school, but my guys are not two of them.  Little Man has had homework for a total of two days {in his entire life} and he is already sick of it.  Oh, boy.  This is going to be a long 12 years.

Since both boys love to use the iPad, it is motivating to use it for homework.  What better way to use it?

Magnetic Alphabet is perfect app to use while practicing spelling words.  The kids simply tap and drag the “magnetic” letters to build each of their words.  They can change the letters’ colors and the background.  The app features upper case and lower case letters, symbols, and numbers, {plus shapes and pictures for fun.}. It works great for kids in primary grades {k-2} because their words tend to be short.  If your sweet things grumble about spelling practice….this $1.99 app might just save your sanity.



Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Where is June | After school snack

If history repeats itself, my boys will be ravenous after school next week.  I like to feed them hearty snacks, since most weeknights also include a practice or a game.  These pan fried ravioli are quick, easy and very filling.  I buy fresh, four cheese ravioli.  There are many varieties and any would work.  Heat a small amount of olive oil or butter and pan fry the pasta.  It usually takes 2-3 minutes per side.  [Turn when the pasta turns golden brown].  The finished product is crispy on the outside and easy to pick up.  Serve with marinara sauce.  Kids love to dip!

Where is June | After school snack

Where is June | After school snack



Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Where is June | Create a Command Centercommand center

Today is all about creating a command center for your kids.  We do not have a large desk or an office, so we need a mobile command center.  I decided this year to house all the essential items for homework and projects in one container.  Previously I had them on a shelf in a hallway closet. A sturdy cloth bin with handles sat unused in our playroom and was perfect for the job.  I collected all the tools we need during the school year.  I scrounged up a few random containers that were already in my house.  Small tin buckets from the dollar bin, mason jars, and a paper ice cream bowl left over from Little Man’s birthday party.

Where is June | Create a Command Center

Our command center now houses pencils, sharpies, highlighters, crayons, markers, white boards, dry erase markers, scissors, hole punches, paint brushes, glue, construction paper [white and colored], and note cards.

Where is June | Create a Command Center

I am certain that our new command center will make homework a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for all.  [Come on.  A girl can hope!  Anything is possible with a new school year.  I am determined to remain positive.]

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Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Where is June | lunch prep

I am sharing a series this week to help ready your kids {and yourself} for school while maintaining your sanity.

Let’s do lunch. I have a couple of ideas to help get ready for eating lunch at school.  I won’t talk about what to pack for lunch because, in my opinion, that is an entirely different topic .  Today is about the art of eating lunch in a cafeteria.  To eat in a lunch room can be overwhelming.  The noise, the action, and major distractions are all obstacles to actually eating.  I truly believe that a little lunchtime practice sets kids up for success once they head to school.

First, how you pack is almost as important as what you pack.  There are usually very few adults in the cafeteria to help kids open items in their lunch.  It is essential they can do it on their own.  For young children, especially for Kindergarteners, I suggest packing a normal lunch-in their new lunch box- and having them practice opening all the containers and bags.

Where is June | lunch prep

If you find your child has a hard time opening an item, consider packing it in a reusable plastic container, a reusable bag, or a ziplock bag.  They are much easier to open.  This will eliminate frustration, allow them to be independent at lunch, and getting them eating right away.

Where is June | lunch prep

For all kids, it is good to set a timer and practice eating in the time allotted for lunch.  My boys have a 20 minute lunch {although by the time their class arrives in the cafeteria and finds a table it is most likely shorter}.  I have found that even 15 minutes is plenty of time – if they are actually eating.  Will your kids buy lunch at school?  Ask if the school has a mentor program for younger kids.  This will help them navigate the system and not feel overwhelmed.

P.S.  Once school starts, consider slipping in a treat on Fridays and a little lunch box love.

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BACK TO SCHOOL: shopping


Monday, August 26th, 2013

Where is June | Back to School

In the Pacific Northwest we are sprinting toward the finish line of summer break.  For me, the goal is to enjoy the last bits of unstructured time before my role switches from entertainer to enforcer.  This week I am sharing a Back to School series, as I ready my kids {and myself} for school while maintaining my sanity!

First up, shopping.  I have always loved {LOVED} back to school shopping.  I have discovered, however, that my boys do not share this same passion.  After fighting it for several years, I have devised a plan that seems somewhat fool proof.  It’s simple, we don’t do it.   I purchase only a few items to start the year and then we purchase items as we need them.  My boys happen to always have growth spurts that don’t coincide with the beginning of school, so it seems silly to buy clothes they will out grow in just a few short months.

Our shopping list:

  • 1.  One pair of jeans, preferably gray. {They rarely choose to wear them on their own accord [they prefer warm-ups], but jeans are their dress pants.}
  • 2. One new t-shirt. {It warms my heart to see them head to school on the first day in a shirt without grease spots and popsicle stains.}
  • 3.  New shoes.
  • 4.  New socks and underwear

That’s it and we are already DONE! Well, Big W has also added a Gatorade water bottle onto his wish list, so I have one more purchase to make.

For those of you with fashion crazed girls, I sense there will be some push back. How about this?  Purchase ONE back-to-school outfit, including all essential accessories.  Then, when the weather begins to cool, make a date and go shopping. This way you can enjoy a short day of shopping prior to school,  you don’t have to say no to the all-important pair of sunglasses or earrings, and you get the rest done once the mania has subsided.

{Quicksilver Jeans, Gatorade water bottle, Junk Food vintage T, Chuck Taylor All Stars, Skylander briefs}


Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
Where is June | Advice for a new dad

{Sharing a quiet moment with Big W when he was 12 days old.}

I have gone a bit baby crazy!  I have spent the last 5 days holding, kissing and loving our new nephew.  At only seven weeks old, he could not be any cuter or more loveable.  My kids are finally old enough for me to enjoy and appreciate an infant.  My own exhaustion and anxiety of being a new mom is a distant memory and the simple, precious moments are all that is left.  I tried not to give any advice, because let’s be honest-no one really wants it!  Plus, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law are doing a fantastic job.

However, what kind of “veteran” parent am I if I didn’t share a bit of wisdom?  It was simple.  I told my brother-in-law to grab the camera and take pictures.  Without being asked.  Moms want to be in pictures with their babies.  Simple, every day moments [like the one above of Big W and me] are fleeting.  I don’t have many pictures like this.  Even today, I am rarely in any of our pictures.  I am always the one with the camera.  On vacation I have to ask for my picture to be taken.  The kids are always antsy and never want to pose or sit for a picture.  And they always turn out horribly.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love to take pictures of my boys and my husband.  But, without sounding ridiculously vain, I want someone to take my picture too.  I want to be part of our history.

So, to dads everywhere [new and otherwise] earn yourself some points.  Find the camera, learn to use it, point and shoot!  You will be surprised by the moments you start to notice and to capture them is priceless.


Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013


When you find a book you love, you need to share it!  Little Man devours these books.  With thirteen titles in the Fly Guy series, it is sure to keep him interested and entertained!  The main character, Buzz, is a boy who has an unusual pet.  He names him Fly Guy because, well, he is a fly!  Colorful illustrations and funny plot lines are engaging for kids.  Preschoolers will love this as a read-to-me book and older kids just like the humor.  The reading level is for kids grades K-2.  I am happy to see that the author, Tedd Arnold, has added non-fiction titles- including one on sharks!  The most recent title released, Fly Guy and the Frakenfly, is on its way to our doorstep this week!  If they love it, they will read it!

Keep them reading:  Elephant and Piggie/Wings of Fire, Lunch Lady, Scaredy Squirrel.


Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Where is June | Send them love at camp

A week away from home at summer camp is a brave thing to do.  So, the care package {or as Big W calls it- “care mail”} is a great way to send your kids a little love at camp.  As this is my second year to send care mail, I thought about it carefully before sending it off !

Here are the items my camper will be receiving mid-week:

Where is June | Send them love at camp

A white pillowcase for his cabin mates to sign with neon Sharpies.  It is the same pillow case I sent last year, so the new signatures will just be added on!  I love the idea of sending it every year.

Where is June | Send them love at camp

A deck of cards, an extra disposable camera, and a Dot to Dot game pad.  Hopefully this will add to the in-cabin entertainment.

Where is June | Send them love at camp

Temporary tattoos.  Each set is cut into individual tattoos and placed in a sealed bag. I sent along a washcloth so they could easily apply them.

Where is June | Send them love at camp

Electronic 20 questions game/20Q!  I sent the 8 ball last year and it was big hit!  Hope this one is just as popular.

Where is June | Send them love at camp

Contraband.  No food items allowed in care packages.  Candy isn’t food, right? Either way, it makes the boys happy.  {You have to break the rules sometimes!}

Ever send a care package?  What items did your kids love?

Also, the first care package I sent and a grown up press-on tattoo.


Tuesday, July 9th, 2013


My kids are obsessed with the snack shack at the pool.  Since we have been at the pool everyday, I decided to work their obsession to my advantage.  We have a standing agreement.  They may purchase candy if they take and pass my daily food challenge.  I have shared before that my kids don’t eat a large variety of foods.  The daily food challenge will hopefully broaden their horizons and their ability to try foods they don’t ordinarily eat.  It is working beautifully!  So far they have successfully met the challenge of eating green grapes, bananas, turkey, granola, and yogurt and pepperoni pizza.  Scary that these are food my kids wouldn’t eat,right?  However, they had decided these were foods they didn’t like and that was that!  There has been some disappointment and failed challenges.  They couldn’t stomach snap peas and wouldn’t even go near cucumbers.  No big deal, they miss the snack shack for a day.  Well, it’s no big deal to me.  I giggle because it is a huge deal to them.  I look forward to the next challenge!  And so do they.

What great ideas have you used to convince kids to try new foods?

{image via}

Where is June?


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