Happy Mother’s Day weekend!  Mothering is combination of being in state of awe, confusion, joy, discontent, and fear.  But at its root, mothering is primal.  Last summer, Little Man and I had a very unsettling experience in a river.  For a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, I felt like we were fighting for our lives.  My only instinct was to protect him and find safety for him.  I needed to get us out of that damn river.  Once I knew he was out of the water and unharmed, my body went into shock.  It took hours for the shaking to stop.   (I am now realizing that this is an extremely depressing story to write about prior to Mother’s Day.  Geeesh, sorry!) Not an experience I would ever like to repeat.  However, the river taught me something about myself.  I brought this precious life into the world and I would scratch, pull, hit and scream (with everything that is in me) to protect it.  I now know that for a fact.  When I get caught up in the frenzy of modern day parenting, I attempt to center myself by thinking about the long game.  Will this matter in 6 months, 3 years, 10 years?  For most things the answer is a resounding no.  For the rest, just do your very best and try to give yourself some grace.  Your children love you.  Flaws and all, you are their mama.  Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!  xo

And now on to lighter, happier images. (HA!)

1. I’m taking myself to see RBG this weekend …..while my boys see The Infinity Wars.  She is my kind of superhero!

2.  A gorgeous stack of rings by Dana Rebecca

3.  Salt and Straw is open in Seattle.

4.  Give me all the woven bags.  That strap!

5. Yep, still want a tattoo!  This moon is kind of perfect.

6.  Dinner!  Slow-Cooker Chicken Mole Tacos.

7.  Blush and Green and Cactus.  Spot on!

Happy Friday!




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