This little guy had squeezable cheeks, no glasses and awesome style! [I truly loved it when I got to dress my guys. I made sure they looked hip, but I digress.] He was eager to be at school like his big brother and ready to make some of his own friends.
[end of year party. June ’13]
This little man finishes Kindergarten today and is officially a big kid in my eyes. Finally, the last day! He complained each day, including every day this week, about school. Too long [6 1/2 hours] and too much work [40 pages of work sometimes!]. He may exaggerate just a bit, but he never wavered on his feelings toward school. He is nothing but consistent. In spite of himself, he grew leaps and bounds this year. He even learned to read, but chooses to hide it. We call him “the super secret reader”. He is such an amazing kid in so many ways, but school isn’t his thing. It may never be. I find that sad and disheartening and so desperately want to change his mind.
I was once asked to give one of my dearest friends advice at her baby shower. I advised, “Love her for who she is, not who you thought she would be.” I have decided to follow my own advice. Hank is set in his ways, emotional, and quick tempered. Not always easy to manage, but witty and funny. I love to be around him and will defend him to the end of my days. I often go in his room at night and watch him sleep. He is content, safe, and still so, so little. I can’t change who he is, so I will try and help him become the best version of himself.
Parenting. Firsts, lasts, and everything in between. It is quite the ride and never know what to expect. Here’s to the next first!
1. Scenes from the Amalfi Coast of Italy spark excitement for trip we are planning next year. This girl is finally going to make it to my grandfathers’ homeland.
2. I swoon for this gold foil phone case. If only I had an iPhone 5. Time for an upgrade?
3. School is out for summer in three days! That will mark the official start to patio lounging. These outdoor poufs are the perfect new addition to our backyard. Great for extra seating or putting your feet up.
4. My husband turns 40 next week and this Fujifilm Instax Instant Film Camera will be a fantastic way to capture the fun at his party, without the high cost of a photo booth.
5. These American Flag Aviators are perfection at least one day of the year. At $14.00 you can rock them on The 4th of July and then put them away for 365 days without feeling guilty.
6. Don’t Quit Your Day Dream. I love this and I am adopting it as my new mantra. I will be launching a brand new Where is June? I am anxious, nervous, excited and hopeful.
You can find inspiration just about anywhere. How lovely to be able to collect and share!
A few years back everyone on Facebook was sharing 25 things about themselves. I played along. Some of my “things” don’t fit anymore. I hated diapers and thought Diet Coke had the perfect amount of carbonation. Both of my kids have, fortunately, been potty trained and I gave up Diet Coke a couple of years ago. While life has changed [and kids have grown], much of my list is still as true today as it was when I wrote it four years ago.
10 things about me.
1. I am a curly haired girl who spent much of her 20’s fighting it, but have now found a way to embrace it.
2. I regret not backpacking through Europe after college. I was TOO determined to get a job…because that is what you were “supposed to do”. Always doing what you are supposed to do is totally overrated!
3. Although it is RIDICULOUS how much designer jeans cost, from a cost per wear comparison it makes MUCH more sense to spend $100+ on jeans that you wear all them time [Can you say mom uniform?] than it does to spend the same amount on a special occasion dress that you wear once! Thus, I have my rational for spending WAY TOO much on jeans.
4. Motherhood is hard. Period.
5. I want to learn how to surf and actually look good doing it!
6. I wish women would be easier on each other. We spend too much time judging, comparing, being envious, and sometimes being simply cruel to other women…those we know and those we “think” we know just by looking at her.
7. I think of clothes as a way to paint your personality. Your clothes tell a story of who you are…are you daring, sophisticated, practical, sporty, tired, fun!? Don’t underestimate the power of visual communication!
8. I would be one happy girl if I could work out every day.
9. I dream of traveling to Italy with my husband. I hope sooner than later!
10. I think about a cold Thursday night 17 years ago, at a dingy bar called Dantes, a heart broken girl saw a boy and had the guts to talk to him! How could she know she was about to have her first conversation with the man who would someday be her best friend and husband and the father to her children? She just knew she had to try again because she was certain there was someone in the world she could love and who would love her back! He proved her right!
(Plus, she needed a cigarette and was too cheap to buy a pack of her own.)
Many of you saw these pictures posted on Facebook earlier this week and I wanted to give you all the back story. I am passionately working to launch [Where is June?] in an all new space, with a brand new look. Part of my vision was to have a few professional pictures on the blog. Pictures that reflect who I am and my love of life. The self-portraits with my iPhone weren’t working for me anymore. I asked Elise Liptack {} to take the photographs, but I honestly had no idea how amazing the entire experience would be for me.
First of all-I love clothes, shoes and accessories. Elise suggested I bring more than I would need and I went for it. Choosing my favorite pieces from my closet, I tried many combinations until I found four outfits I loved. I placed them all on my bed with shoes and jewelry…it truly was like playing dress up!
The session started at Swink Style Bar in downtown Seattle. Isabella worked some serious magic with my makeup. I asked for her to keep it natural. The shading, lashes, and overall glow was just what I wanted! I am a naturally curly girl. Knowing that I wanted my hair down, I requested that Isabella just polish up my curls. Seriously, my hair has never looked that good. My Tuesday was off to a great start!
Elise took pictures for over an hour, but it felt like a matter of minutes. She made me feel comfortable and beautiful right away. After the first few shots, I instantly felt more alive. Witnessing her creativity and the love of her craft was inspiring. She gave me a sneak peek of a few pictures on her LCD screen. I was overwhelmed with appreciation for the time I had with her.
I honestly believe that everyone woman should do this for herself. It was the most affirming and lovely morning I have had in a long, long time. If you are like me, every time you see a snap shot of yourself all you do is find all the things wrong with how you look. Now is the time for you to see the beautiful woman everyone else sees when they look at you. While I realize most of you will not plan an individual photo shoot, consider some alternatives. The next time you have family pictures taken, have your hair and make up done and ask for a few shots by yourself. Or ask a trusted friend, who is great with a camera, to take photographs of you. I know you will not regret it. At least promise you will think about it.
{I was moved by the outpouring of kindness from my family, friends, and even strangers. Thank you to all who sent me an email, a text, or commented and liked the sneak peek that Elise posted. xoxo}
Summer is so near you can almost taste it! With summer brings long, hot days of sipping many [and in some cases, one TOO many] cocktails. A friend of mine recently shared with me a fool proof hangover cure. {She is a pharmacist- so I am fully trusting her on this one!}
Take these three things before you go to sleep: 1. Tall glass of water 2. 1000mcg of vitamin B12 3. Advil/ibuprofen {Never Tylenol!}
She kindly answered a few questions I had about the remedy:
Why take vitamin B12? Alcohol can deplete your b vitamins which are known as your “stress” vitamins. Why take Advil instead of Tylenol? Alcohol is processed by the liver, as is Tylenol. Advil (ibuprofen) is processed by the kidneys. You never want to make your liver work too hard, so the more alcohol you drink, the worse the interaction. How much Advil should a person take? The amount of ibuprofen is really individualistic as each person responds differently. If 2 Advil alleviate your pain normally, than 2 would work in this instance. You never want to take more than 4, as it can hurt your kidneys.
When life gets busy and you are rushing out the door to get the kids to school or practice, who has time to painstakingly move all the contents from your purse into another so that it will coordinate with your outfit? Not me.
However, with the help of a small pouch that holds all my essentials [like hair ties, lip gloss, Advil, hand sanitizer] and a trinket box for small miscellaneous items I can make the switch in less than 30 seconds. I don’t use any of the pockets in my hand bags for storage. Except for my cell phone, everything goes into the zip pouch for safe keeping and easy transfer.
Hand Bag #1
A zippered pouch in a fun print + macron shaped trinket box
Hand bag #2
A quick switch in 30 seconds and nothing is lost or left behind! Where are you going today?
How do women view their own beauty? I was struck by the things the women said after they understood the social experiment.
“I should be more grateful of my natural beauty.”
“It impacts everything. It couldn’t be more critical to your happiness.”
“That’s not how the world sees us.”
“We spend a lot of time as women analyzing and trying to fix the things that aren’t quite right and we should spend more time appreciating the things that we do like.
Ever have a cluster of days that make you feel not so great about yourself? Something crawls into your head and you just can’t shake it. You might find yourself spending extra minutes in front of the mirror examining all of your imperfections and beating yourself about this or that. Work harder, drink more water, wear moisturizer, find a better shampoo, get a haircut.
My mantra today, this week, this month. You are beautiful, pass it along.
[Be gentle with your spirit and give yourself a break. Remind someone else of her beauty. She may have forgotten.]
Remind yourself every day. You are beautiful.
Watch more @ or join the conversation #wearebeautiful
I have given myself a photo challenge. Take a photo each week on a given subject. This week was books. The Great Gatsby is soon to be released on the big screen. I decided to re-read this classic. It is even better than I remembered. Funny how 20 years of life experience changes a book for a reader. Next week: in your closet. {If you want to play along.}
Take time for yourself this weekend. Watch a classic movie you have never seen before, take a walk [rain or shine] or wander around the world wide web. Here are a few links to start with….
SHOP:: Take a peek at the darling dresses from the line Kate Young for Target. {Launching 4.14} The greatest iPhone covers I have ever seen!
DIY:: An avocado seed + gold spray paint= a clever place card {or photo} holder Create amazing, romantic pictures with a sandwich bag
Brown eggs and a white paint pen is a simple alternative to coloring Easter eggs. It is truly as easy as drawing lines and dots. They turned out great and are lovely displayed together. I cut my egg container in half and sprayed a quick coat of gold spray paint [matte white would look great too.]