humans of new york stories | Where is June?

I am so excited that Humans of New York: Stories releases today.  Brandon Stanton inspires me everyday.  I have said it before and it is the absolute truth.  Humans of New York is the most honest, real, inspiring, touching and unique space on the Internet.  His photos are beautiful, but it is the words that accompany each picture that are the magic.  I look forward to Brandon’s posts and read every single one.

Here is what he says about the new book:

“HONY Stories comes out in less than one week! I’ve already said a lot about the merits of the book. So I want to take a quick opportunity to remind everyone that HONY is advertisement free and almost entirely financed by book sales. (The only exception being income from a handful of speeches I give every year.) Proceeds from books have been used to pay for trips to twenty different countries over the past year alone. Even when working with large organizations like the United Nations or UNHCR, I’m always very careful to cover all costs and reimburse any expenses. I do this so that the content on HONY can remain entirely independent, self-directed, and transparent. By purchasing a book, you can help HONY continue to grow in a way that remains focused on telling people’s stories— and nothing else. Thanks to everyone for your continued support.”

And a post from this week:

HONY | Where is June?

I eagerly await the arrival of my book!  Humans of New York: Stories will make a great gift.  Never too early to start that holiday shopping.

{Images via HONY}


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Where is June?


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