I just launched the kids back-to-school and I sit alone in my kitchen. Dishes to do, a Christmas tree to dismantle, a to-do list a mile long, and yet I feel calm. It is strangely bizarre, but I always feel so much better when the calendar flips from December to January. I have posted before about the doldrums that hit me in October. {Last year, they lasted all the way through Spring.} But there is something about 2-weeks to recharge-with little to no responsibilities that puts a pep back in my step!
I am not making any resolutions, because I feel like they are always attached to some sort of guilt. The world doesn’t need more people feeling guilty. Our world needs happy, fulfilled people loving life and those around them! While I DO NOT make resolutions, I do make lists!
Things I would love in 2015:
opportunities to step outside my comfort zone, great books to read, new adventures with my kids, to catch a sunrise on a stand-up paddle board, completed house projects, a dip in the Caribbean Sea, time alone, a snowy night with a roaring fire, chances to see my boys shine, a weekend get-away with my husband, salty sea air, blemish-free skin, a road trip with my girls, to witness goodness, boisterous meals with friends, a run in Central Park, a Super Bowl repeat, a carefree summer, strong arms and a toned tummy.
What would you love more of in 2015?
Tags: It's me...Denise, new year