One of my greatest joys in life is being physically active. It saves my sanity. I run, attend boot camp, love barre class, and ride a spin bike occasionally. In the past, I have trained for road races {including a marathon} and triathlons. I find that although recovery may take a bit longer, I am still doing pretty well with endurance, strength, and balance. However, my flexibility needs a ton of work and it only seems to be getting worse. Growing up as a gymnast, I suppose I have taken flexibility for granted. My hamstrings and hips are so tight I cannot do a static stretch without my legs quivering. Not good.
I recently read that flexibility can help your body reach its optimum fitness level, may play a role in injury prevention, and can even contribute to staving off conditions like arthritis and more serious illnesses. Ok, time to take my flexibility more seriously.
I am committing to add stretching into my life {somehow}! I would like to a yoga class {or DVD} at least once a week and stretch 10 minutes a day. I can do that, right?
Do you find you are struggling with flexibility?
Here are a few resources I found interesting/helpful:
2. Increase your flexibility and improve your life {Bold statement!}
3. 6 Stretches for a long, limber body {Yes, please.}
4. Leg Stretches that Increase Flexibility for Dancers and Gymnasts {Going to use this for my 10 minutes of stretching.}
Top image: Mary Helen Bowers from Ballet Beautiful
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