Archive for March, 2013

in the kitchen- a weekly plan

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

With lives busier than ever, I felt like I needed to make myself a plan for getting dinner on the table.  Winging it wasn’t working for me during the week.  I thought why not share with all of you what we ate for the week?  Hopefully you can get at least one idea for dinner next week.  I plan to post on Saturdays.  Let me know what you think.

*All dinner recipes are gluten-free.  Because that’s how we roll!

Sundaysteak with mushroom sauce and cauliflower puree
This recipe called for skirt steak.  My grocery store didn’t have that available, so the butcher suggested flat iron as a good substitute.  The mushrooms and wine sauce were delicious!

Monday:  steak, mushrooms and wilted spinach
Cut the left over steak into bite size pieces.  Add sliced mushrooms and the steak in a skillet until mushrooms are cooked through.  Last, add 1 cup of spinach to the skillet until wilted.  Fast and easy.

Tuesday: spicy chicken and hominy soup

Wednesdayskillet-poached huevos rancheros
This was ready in less than 15 minutes.  I had a kid distraction while poaching the eggs.  They ended up cooked all the way through instead of being poached and this dish was still delicious.

Thursday:  open faced sausage sandwich
I had a evening meeting, so I left the sausage and the sauce simmering on the stove until my husband was ready to eat.  I simply used a bottle of marinara, one [chopped] red pepper, and fully cooked [sliced] Italian sausage.  Simmer all on low until warmed through.  Serve on an open faced roll.  Top with peperoncini peppers and mozzarella cheese.

Friday:  Parents’ night out  [can I get an amen!]
I ordered pizza for my guys and the sitter, but came across this super idea for pizza in the crockpot.  Might have to give it a try.  

Have a wonderful week in your kitchen. 

links to love.

Friday, March 15th, 2013
dreaming of warm and exotic.  

Have a fab weekend!  This is a just a quick round up of a few things that caught my eye this week.   Inspiration is everywhere!  Be on the look out.
{Also, stay tuned for my post tomorrow…it will help you plan for your a week’s worth of dinners.}


Our cherished market.  Seattle: then and now.

Prepping for Season 6 of Mad Men.  A totally fab cocktail guide.

Some locations allow girls can wear sandals in March.  Seattle….not so much!  I now covet these.  

#PantonePairings.  Prints coming soon. They would be awesome framed in a kitchen.

Creative easter eggs, for adults that want in on the action. 

Glasses fit for St. Patrick’s Day mayhem. 

A great manifesto for women.  Make it art.  Read it and believe it!

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

The sweet treat-macrons. 

guys read [Lunch Lady]

Thursday, March 14th, 2013
I will be honest, it hasn’t always been easy to find books my guys [grade 3 and Kindergarten] are eager to read.  When we find one that gets the green light – I promise to share. 

The Lunch Lady series is one such hit!  These graphic novels are funny and imaginative.  The Lunch Lady and her kitchen assistant Betty are the heroines – using crime fighting gadgets disguised as kitchen tools to save the day!  “Serving Justice! And serving lunch! “There are eight books in the series, thus far, and each of them has been equally fantastic.  Boys [and girls] can’t put them down. 


Lunch Lady Book Series:  Books 1-8

Jarrett J Krosoczka

Read this great interview with the author. 

Remember .   This site is the ultimate resource for finding great books for your guys! 

soggy bottoms

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

A little ingenuity and a sense of humor got us out of a soggy situation yesterday.  Little Man was eager to run off some energy at a neighborhood park.  He bee-lined it to the super, fast slide and down he went.  In the rainy northwest, every park veteran knows to check slides for water before sliding.  My guy made a rookie mistake.  His pants were soaked from waist band to hemline-all the way through to his underwear.  Yep, pretty much ended park time.

We hustled to the car and I quickly shifted into crisis management.  I had him strip and wrap up in a blanket, which I luckily carry in my emergency box.  I didn’t have time to go home, so I used my car heater vents as a dryer.  The pants would have taking a week to dry, so I dried his underwear instead.  Little Man giggled and giggled in the back seat.  We were headed into Seattle, so I bought him a new pair of warm ups when we arrived and the rest of our day went off without a hitch.

What crazy solutions have you come up with on the spur of the moment?

the pressure of a name

Monday, March 11th, 2013

I recently read of parents naming their baby girls interesting names.  Rainbow and Jett.  I worry for Rainbow.  That is going to be a tough, tough road.  On the other hand, I actually really like the name Jett.  Unique, strong and a great name for a girl to grow into.  Why is one unusual name likeable and the other – not so much?

Naming a child is a huge job.  I will admit I was a little nutty.   Making list after list.  My husband and I didn’t decide on our boys’ names before they arrived.  There were top choices, but the final decision came after we held each one of them.  In the end, we chose traditional names for our little men.

What do you think about Rainbow or Jett as a first name?
What did you consider when you named your children?

[a post about babies?  I couldn’t help myself.]

william james
henry vaughn

odds and pins [gone gold crazy]

Friday, March 8th, 2013
There may or may not be a growing obsession with gold.  Here a just a few gold items that caught my eye this week! 
frends ear buds.  ps. how awesome are these?

Eames Golden A Shell.  luxury item x10

DIY gold leaf easter eggs.  too cute.

Titanium Druzy Ring.  makes me woozy.
gold shoes. How fun with cut off jeans!
Do you have anything you are currently crushing on? 
{Not sure if you noticed, but I added the feature to pin directly to pinterest from Where is June?  
Just hover over a picture and you are off to the races.  Pin away!}

from my book shelf.

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Are you looking for a great read? I highly [HIGHLY] recommend Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  It is a memoir documenting one woman’s journey on the Pacific Crest Trail.  Her writing pulled me instantly.  I honestly could not put it down. She was truthful, honest and raw.   There were many things that astound me about this woman’s story.  Cheryl Strayed had absolutely no hiking experience.  She shares, “I had never gone backpacking.  Not one night.”  Yet, somehow, she had the courage or enough blissful ignorance to set off on a trek that would lasts months.  She encountered the kindness of strangers over and over along the way.  It was inspiring to read that there is, indeed, good in the world.  Though she had numerous set backs, she persevered. Truly, this book is for everyone.  It isn’t a book about the outdoors or hiking.  It is a book about the human spirit.


If this woman, who had absolutely no idea what she was doing and was able to hike from the Mojave Desert to the Columbia River, what can I do?

Watch a book trailer narrated by Cheryl Strayed

flower shop finds.

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Look what I found!  I popped into my local floral shop and spotted this show stopper.  I couldn’t get over the creamy colors and the softness of the pussy willow branches.  Simple and gorgeous.  Spring has now arrived in my living room! 

I was inspired to gussy up the mantle a bit.   I added a book from my book shelf {Its title is very seasonal, don’t you think?} and some of Little Man’s artwork that I cut out and framed. 

While I was noising around the shop, I found a few other great home accessories!  This mini- live topiary was calling my name.  It works perfect in a small collection on my coffee table.  I placed it in the lid of a fabric box I had in the closet – along with a prayer candle and my Hudson glassybaby.  On the super plus side, I only have to spray the topiary once a month to keep it green.  Even I can do that!

While serving no real purpose {other than looking awesome…} I couldn’t leave this crown behind.  I love the gold and the heft of this piece.  Where will end it up?  I have a feeling it will move around a bit.  For now, it sits atop a gardening book on the coffee table. 

And last, but certainly not least, a GurglePot.  A whimsical stoneware pitcher that gurgles when you fill a glass.  They offer a rainbow of colors, but I went with simple white.  Pop over to GurglePot to see all of the choices and hear the “gurgle”.  {The striped tray is from Target last year.  Target.  Another great place for affordable seasonal accessories.}

Check out your local florist.  You might be surprised what you will find!  Have you ever discovered a favorite piece for your home in an unexpected place?

a June reboot

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

I have been away.   Somehow it is already March and all signs point to Spring!  So…. I decided to reboot with a new look.  A new look for this space of mine, that is!  Simple changes, with a few new features.  I am learning, exploring, discussing and dreaming about how I can make it even better.  Thanks so much for reading!  Really. Thank you.

{Hopefully, more great things are just around the corner.}


Where is June?


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