My son should be receiving his camp care package today. I smile just thinking about him opening it! The package will hopefully give my camper a mid-week boost and it includes items to share with his cabin mates. The box I sent included:
- Uno cards
- the Magic 8 ball
- a nerf football
- a book to doodle in
- a non-fiction book [Just the facts, man.]
- a disposable camera
- whoopie cushions [enough for every boy in his cabin. I love this!!]
- ring pops [plenty to share. and YES I broke the “don’t send food ” rule.]
- a white pillow cases, with colored sharpies, for his cabin mates to sign
If you have a camper this summer, you understand the importance of the care package. After a google search, I found there are companies that will do it for you. [Of course there are.] And they have some great items- specially geared for camp -that stores don’t carry. Next year I will pick a few items from these sites to include in my package!
My favorite item that was on multiple sites:
Fries Autograph Pillow
A few online companies for care packages:
Sealed with a Kiss
Beyond Bookmarks
The Wrinkled Egg
Just for Camp