As I continue to prep for summer, I have to share about Sanuk shoes. My oldest did not want another pair of Crocs, but we needed something a little more substantial than flip flops. A pair of sidewalk surfers was the answer. Total lucky find.
Easy to put on. Extremely comfortable (or so I am told). Plus, I love the way they look. Great with cargo shorts, a swimming suit, or jeans. Certainly a big boy look!
The biggest guy in our house scored a pair as well. My husband hates flip flops. However, I told him he was no longer allowed to wear his sneakers to the pool. Under advisement that he wasn’t going to like them at all-I bought him a pair as well.
He loves them. Didn’t take them off our entire trip. Absolutely perfect for the airport (adults still have to take off their shoes) and they looked great with his board shorts. (And I am certain I heard him say under his breath, “Babe, you were right- like always.”)
Check out all their great stuff!
Outfit the guys in your life. Bring on summer!
Tags: Favorite Things