sleeping babes

We all of have extremely busy lives, for better or worse.  So it got me thinking.  What is your favorite moment during the day?   Maybe it is an early morning run or a mid-day coffee break by yourself.  For me, it’s the moments just before I tuck myself into bed.  I check in on my boys before I head to my room.  Pull up covers, take off glasses, place books on the floor, and turn out the lights.  I sneak a peck on the cheek and run my fingers through their hair.  And then I just look at them.

In those moments I can see all that is good in them.  There is no frustration or angst.   No homework to be done, no arguments about screen time, no practice to rush off to, no battle to wage.  My worries, that seem to live just beneath the surface, settle.  I got them through another day and they are safely sleeping.  They are wonderfully perfect.  I smile.

Do you feel the same about watching your kids sleep?

I really would love to know…..  What is your favorite time of the day?



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