a little bit of kid joy.

With September over, most kids [and moms] have settled into the school routine.  Ask my oldest how school is going and his response would be great.  Not so much with my little man.   Each morning he asks, “Is today a school day?”  I grimace these days when I have to answer yes. His one liners about kindergarten are hilarious.

“Did you know it is 6 hours long?”
“I had to do not 20 or 30, but 40 papers.”
“Choice time is the only part I like.”

My former mommy-self would not have been calm about this.  I would have worried and fretted and worried some more.  This time around it is different.  [Don’t get me wrong.  I want my youngest to thrive, love school, and to go with the flow a bit more.]  I have learned that I have no control over how my kids feel, so I just have to honor it.  My 5 year old works hard all day long on reading, writing, sharing, math, listening, sitting……  So I have been trying to fill his afternoon with a little bit of “kid” joy!  I shoot hoops with him after school.  We made play dough together on the stove and I watched him play with it for hours.  We put up Halloween decorations.   I gave him an awesome storage container specially made for his LEGO mini-figures. And lots and lots of hugs.

….but the best, according to little man, comes on Fridays.  A bowl of ice cream with multiple toppings.  As many as he would like.

here’s hoping that all it takes is a few more bowls. 

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